White-Label UI Components
Monthly Recap

Product Update: February 2023

RELATED ROADMAP ITEMS: White-Label UI Components

Transaction Enrichment. Card transactions can be confusing for your customers. For example, if they saw “0267*STTL*STRBKS” on a statement, would they know what to make of it?

Our new Transaction Enrichment product solves that problem by transforming raw transaction data into information that is understandable, rich in context, and useful. (docs)

transaction enrichment

Clean, structured data for things like merchant name, logo, website, location, and categories helps you create better activity screens, reporting, and analytics.

  • Improved UIs. Use the enriched merchant information to create more informative and engaging card activity streams.

  • Spend categorization. Create reports that show customers their spend across merchants and categories.

  • Insights. Analyze your customers’ spending habits to inform rewards and new opportunities for product enhancements.

  • Disputes reduction. With less potential for confusion with each transaction, customers may reach out to your support teams less frequently, and ultimately file fewer disputes.

New White-Label UI Components. We released two upgrades to our White-Label UI suite: 1) Components for Mobile on React Native and Android, and 2) ACH Payments for Web. (learn more

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Weekly intervals for recurring payments. We’ve updated the frequency in schedules for recurring payments to include an option for weekly intervals. (docs)

Google Cloud Storage. Our new integration with Google Cloud Storage gives Unit clients access to row-level data to build custom reporting solutions. With this integration, all of your data is uploaded daily into a Google Cloud Storage instance, eliminating the need to build a sequence of API calls to obtain data. (read more)

Received Payments in Dashboard. Payments that have been received now have a dedicated screen within the Dashboard. Clicking on a specific payment will take you to a page with all relevant information for that payment—for example, the payment, account, customer, and counterparty details, as well as raw ACH data. (login to see)

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