Monthly Recap Oversight

Product Update: June 2024


White-Label Application Form. We’re excited to announce our new White-Label Application Form—which now supports Credit Applications. This upgrade is optimized for conversion and makes it even easier for you to onboard new customers to your embedded banking and lending products. (docs)

Visa Signature Card. We now offer Visa Signature, a premium card that features the Signature logo. This card appeals to a wider audience with special perks like rewards, insurance, and benefits. All Signature cards are enrolled in Visa Spend Assessments, which can enable you to generate higher interchange based on your cardholder’s spending volume. Visa Spend Assessment enrollment is also available as a standalone feature. To learn more, please contact your customer success manager. (docs)

New account audit log button. This update enables bank partners and Unit customers to see account status changes and an account’s full history of action. For example, you can review if an account was frozen and unfrozen—and by whom.


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